Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Thunder Storms

Today our walk got cut short.  A thunder storm moved into the area.  We were getting soaked.  We made it home before the first and only crack of thunder happened.  Dexter and Rufus were almost out of the car and rumble rumble BOOM.
Rufus was in the front seat of the car again.  When I called to him to come out the back of the car he looked at me as if to say "No Way"

 This was the day that we brought Rufus home.  We stopped at the park before even making it home.  It was a long drive back.
We thought that we would get Rufus used to the park.

But, getting back to thunder storms.  Rufus is not fond of them at all.  Last spring we were walking in the park and all of a sudden I saw a flash, the the huge boom was right over top of us.

I caught Rufus before he could bolt, he was heading for the trees.  We made sure that Dexter was with us and we headed for the car.  He was waiting at the back of the car and looking at me as if to say "Today if you please"

Dexter and Rufus having a bit of fun when we were camping not even 3 weeks after we brought him home.

After the flood last year that changed the shape of the river where we walk, there was a lot of rock being brought in to shore up the far side of the river bank so that the railroad tracks stayed on the hill.  Rufus did not like it one bit but we were trying to get through it,  I did not realize that the rock that was brought in and dropped over the side of the bank sounded like thunder but to Rufus it did.

Wilson was not as afraid of the thunder.  When we could smell the electricity in the air he would always try to be a lap dog.  120lbs of lap dog.  But he was still gentle.
This next video clip is him playing with some puppies that we know quite well.

I have really been missing Wilson these days.  But I have Dexter, Rufus and Bella to keep me very busy.

Stay tuned to find out how to tell if it is "OCD" or just "Hoarding" 

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